Consultation RIS: Proposal to include minimum accessibility standards for housing in the NCC

Closed 31 Aug 2020

Opened 6 Jul 2020

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Ways to provide your feedback

You can provide your feedback on the Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) by either:

  1. Completing the online consultation form and answering the questions outlined within, or by uploading a separate submission via Question 36 (within the 'Estimating the benefits' section); OR
  2. Providing your submission, or personal story, via email at Please ensure that you accompany your submission, or personal storty, with the Information Collection and Personal Information form

Enquiries can be emailed to

About the consultation

In 2017, the Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF), with the support of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), directed the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) to undertake a regulatory impact analysis on the possible inclusion of accessibility requirements for housing (Class 1a buildings and Class 2 apartments) into the National Construction Code (NCC). In response to this directive, the ABCB undertook extensive consultation in 2018 with the release of an Options Paper that sought stakeholder input into the objectives, options and terminology to inform the development of a Consultation RIS. The Options Paper was supported by National Consultation Forums in each capital city that provided an opportunity for stakeholders to have their say on accessible housing in-person, and have questions answered by ABCB representatives. You can watch a recorded video of the presentation on the ABCB’s YouTube channel.

Following the completion of the Options Paper process and forums, the ABCB published an Options Paper Consultation Report that summarised the stakeholder feedback and identified considerations for the Consultation RIS.

The ABCB engaged the Centre for International Economics (CIE) to develop the Consultation RIS. In line with the direction from the BMF, the regulatory options assessed by the Consultation RIS are based on the Livable Housing Design Guidelines (LHDG) Silver-level and Gold-level specifications, as well as a ‘Gold-plus’ specification developed through stakeholder consultation.

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Please note: The Consultation RIS has been updated to include further accessibility enhancements (V2-15/07/2020).

The ABCB has also released a project overview document and RIS explainer document that explains the project, its timelines and the RIS process.

Please note: The Consultation RIS and its supporting documents represent the views of the authors only and should not be construed in any way as having been endorsed by, or representing the final views of the ABCB and the BMF.

Why your views matter

The views of stakeholders on the Consultation RIS are fundamental to ensuring that the Final RIS is based on the best available information. Questions have been included to guide respondents on specific matters where more information may assist in developing the Final RIS.

As part of consultation, the ABCB is also seeking the personal stories of people whose lives have been impacted by accessible housing (or the lack of accessible housing). Sharing your personal story will help provide important, qualitative information to support the RIS.

Responses to questions, submissions, or personal stories are invited until 11:59PM AEST Monday 31 August 2020.

What happens next

Responses to the Consultation RIS questions, submissions and personal stories will be used by the ABCB Office to inform the Final RIS and to update the analysis as appropriate The Final RIS will be used as an input into the decision making process.


  • Building: Commercial and Residential
  • Building Certification/ Surveying
  • Architecture and Design
  • Specialist - disability access
  • Specialist - fire safety
  • Community and Non-Government Organisations
  • Government
  • General Public


  • Disability access
  • Health and amenity
  • Disability access
  • Building services
  • Health and amenity
  • Structural safety