Special Public Comment - DR AS/NZS 3500.2:2021 Plumbing and drainage, Part 2: Sanitary plumbing and drainage
Standards Australia WS-014 Committee has released a draft of AS/NZS 3500.2:2021 for third round comment on one particular clause.
- The draft will be for Combined Procedure (Ballot and PC Round 3 to run concurrently) for 2 weeks
- Comment will only be invited on the reinstatement of ‘accessible and’ into Clause 6.11.3
- No other comments will be discussed/resolved that are outside of this change or that relate to any other text in the draft
Links to the Draft Standard and updated PIA are attached.
Also, to assist with your decision, included is a link to a report arguing the removal of the requirement for pressure attenuators to be accessible.
Why your views matter
The ABCB Office, as the PCC representative on the WS-014 committee, request your support of the proposed wording change.
What happens next
Once the ABCB Office recieves your comment, a group PCC comment will be submitted.
- Plumbing Code Committee
- NCC Volume Three
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