WMTS:101-2024 | Public Comment Draft Round 1

Closed 20 Feb 2025

Opened 5 Dec 2024


For Public Comment

Technical Specification for the WaterMark Certification Scheme

The draft amendments to this technical specification incorporate the minimum requirements for the connection of commercial catering appliances employed for the preparation, cooking, and holding of food to the water service and sanitary plumbing piping.

The drafting of these amendments is based on the draft proposed commercial catering equipment specification WMTS-531:2021. This draft specification was developed as a single common product specification based on the categorised or separate assessment of the critical characteristics and different water sub-systems within the appliances, like those incorporated within EN 61770/A11 Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets.

This method would have allowed for a systematic breakdown of the water system within the appliance into individual water-use sub-systems, classifying the risk of backsiphonage levels and suitably adopting any prescribed solution for the risk level.

However, during the public consultation of this proposed draft specification, the classification method used to determine the level of backflow was deemed not to be the same classification method presented within the PCA and AS/NZS 3500.1.

Based on these objections, the ABCB undertook a gap analysis to determine the differences, if any, between the proposed draft specification for commercial catering equipment and the existing specification for appliances WMTS-101. In undertaking this analysis, it was found that combining WMTS-101 and the current draft WMTS-531 into one specification for all appliances, regardless of backflow hazard ratings, would be a more practical approach to obtaining an appropriate specification for certification of these types of products. Hence, it is proposed that once published, WMTS-101 will become the nominated specification for all appliances, including commercial catering equipment.

Note: Please note that when making comments on this amended draft specification, only comments relating to the proposed changes as highlighted within the draft document will be considered.

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Why your views matter

The ABCB is undertaking consultation to ensure stakeholders are informed of the development of all proposed new, or amended Technical Specifications. In undertaking this consultation stakeholders have an opportunity to provide input and/or comment during a Technical Specification's development.


  • Building and plumbing products
  • WaterMark


  • Technical specifications