Response 672627492

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Robert Beard (South Australian Admin)

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Office of the Technical Regulator

Comment 01

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8 Design
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Clause 8.1
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This clause requires; For Plate Heat Exchangers that include a double wall the failure of one wall shall be visibly evident.
-Which wall? presumably the wall that cannot contaminate the water supply?

-Is this Specification just for double walled Plate heat exchangers or also for single Plate Heat Exchangers. If it is also for other configurations such single wall Plate heat exchangers is there any provision in this document?
- should the heat exchanger plate failure requirements be in 8.1 ( End Connectors) or in a separate clause (8.2 ? )
- Is it ok for the design requirements to be 2 sentences? Surely there is more information that could be included in this specification?
Proposed change
Include supporting documentation for the above questions.

Comment 02

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Section 5
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Clauses 5.1, & 5.3
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Clause 5.1 States:This section specifies requirements for materials utilised in the construction of the product.
question- What are the requirements?
Clause 5.3 States:Other materials utilised in the construction of the product shall be fit for the intended purpose, comply with the performance requirements of this Specification.
question- What materials have been discussed in Section 5?
Proposed change
Insert information on suitable materials

Comment 03

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Appendix B
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Section B.3 States-The following apparatus is required:
a) Water supply sufficient to maintain the required pressure and temperature.

Question- Could this specification provide the temperature and pressure requirements for undertaking this strength test?
Proposed change
Investigate providing the temperature and pressure requirements for undertaking this strength test?